Thursday, August 20, 2009

A day spent at my sisters

Went out to my sisters at the crack of dawn, because Scott needed the car for work. It was way nice and laid back. Well that's if you count two busy needy (to an extent) babies and a busy toddler, who doesn't really like to listen. So its a juggling act to hang with the sis., but still laid back and I wouldn't want it any other way.

I love hanging with my sis. Today was a much better day for me too. I was able to hold down the cheese pizza we had for lunch as well as some treats I brought. My sis and I loved watching oodles of food network shows. Giada you get on our nerves but since you look like our mom did when she was young, well we will tolerate you. Just keep in mind its a cooking show and not a cleavage show. Paula Dean your are fav. and remind us of our mom now. Well, we juggled the babies and took a nap together with the babies, and made some homemade bread. Visited and just took it easy. There is nothing nicer then not having to play hostess or feel like you have to impress someone. At my sisters it just comfort and easy. No need to impress. Here are some pics of my monkey aka: fatty frog bellie as well as some of Ryker, and one of me.

Go to my sisters recipe blog she will put up the recipe for this homemade bread.