Saturday, January 15, 2011

Lemmon update!

 GoOd DaY!!!
 Well here is a brief update! Stockton got his helmet off the first of December. So it's a wonderful thing not to try and kill people for there rude questions and stares when we were out in public. He is doing well, still in physical therapy he is a late bloomer. But even though he may not be walking or running yet!! He crawls up a storm!! I have to keep after him!! And sometimes I don't even realize he is right behind me, following me everywhere! He truly is the Apple of my eye!! Even though he is a Lemmon!  ;o)
   Scott is still on his on going quest for work! He does plan on enrolling in School for the Spring. I told him he need's to go after his passion. Even if his passion is being  an institute teacher which he fears is not enough to support a family. I would rather him become what he wants not what may just pay the bills!! He is a doting and caring Husband and Father. Stocky has him wrapped around his little finger!! He is a wonderful man with a very big heart.
   Now the moment we all have been waiting for me?!?!!! Nothing new has changed with my health I am afraid. I still battle a war to keep food down. My pain is on going,and sometimes overbearing!! But I am a woman of faith. I know God has a purpose for these trials. And that some day it will end. There is light at the end of every tunnel. I am still just going through the darkness. But all the love,prayers,care and support of my family.Keeps me alive and going.Well I think that just about covers it!! God bless all, especially if you read this and are still awake!!
Love Crystal Lemmon a.k.a. Red!


Julie said...

You blogged! Glad to hear Stockton is doing well. He is a sweetheart. Hope Scott finds a great job he enjoys and will ease your worries a bit. Take care of yourself, I hope you feel better soon! Love ya.

Unknown said...

In the words of DORI- just keep swimming just keep swimming.. swimming swimming... You are a strong STRONG woman, and I just love you. Know how special and important you are always. HUGS, sissy poopster!