Monday, September 8, 2008

I am Tired of being Tired!!

I am feeling like a zombie 98% of the time!! This little bundle of joy is wearing me out already!!! How long dose this last?!?!! Or is it one of those kink's that gets worse with time?!?? I am sick of having no energy I can literally sleep all day! But of course I cant with adult responsibilities and all. But I hope it is not permanent, also the nausea thing is getting annoying to. Ok prego Lady did her complaining for the day! So all the experienced mommies out there lend a newby some advice!???!


Unknown said...

I give you advice all the time! I said this will pass! U get your energy back around the second trimester! Then its big belly and back aches, and swollen feet! But you have a husband who rubs your back and feet wether prego or not! Rest as much as you can, and take those pre-natals they help with energy since little Lemmon seed is sucking all your Lemmon juice from you, you need your vitamins! luv ya!

Julie said...

Every pregnant person is different. Your sister, 3 pregnancies, all 3 different. My two were the same-sick as a dog for 3 months. Some women only get nauseous for a week or two, some for a month and some all dreaded 9 months. Hopefully you will be the lucky one w/ just a couple of weeks. I know working and feeling like crap is the pits. But you will pull through it somehow. Our bodies do some amazing things. Good luck and feel better.